
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

and you know what? because of joining alot of these personality tests, i've been thinking about negative stuffs, like if i'm in the wrong major or shoo go away youu all those kinda of thought.

All this time i always said to my parents, i'm flexibel i can go anywhere --'' and which so they and even myself believe it..
i didn't say i hate accounting, i actually liked it --''
but i also never said i hate physics and i wanted to be an engineer also..
*baru sadar banyak maunya *

but in my mind, whatever i'd be when i grow up..
there's still that dreamwork place coming out from 14 years ago from a 5 year old girl who can fall 767 times in the snow and almost got burried by her own stupidity..
" and when i grow up...i'm going to become the owner of that place..don't care what i will be.."

*mudah-mudahan tempaaat itu bisa direalisasikan kalau udah selsai kuliah, dapet kerja yang bagus dan juga dengan dukungan dari si future husband yang baik hati * hahaha..amin..

lagi lagi saya memposting sesuatu yang random. cupcupmuaaaaah and goodbye:*

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