
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

a late happy new year.

I'm such a dweeb, it's like so last week ago, but finally got a chance to say new year now.
Happy New Years, and Happy Holidays for the beloved people in the whole world :)

Talking about New Year, what is a New Year Resolution?
A New Year Resolution is a person's goal someones sets out to accomplish in the coming year.

I just realized every year i always at least have the same goals and resolution but why is it so hard to accomplish the same thing you wanted year by year? :)

The Resolutions are common this year, like everyone else.
Hello 2011, i want to :

1. Improve my grades, eventhough my parents don't force me to get perfect-o grades, but deep down i want to, maybe not now and the only way is to study. So my resolution, is too be unlazy :] hihihi.

2. I want to loose my weight ! --'' that's a common thing in a girls resolution. I'm just thinking i'm afraid that it will effect me in my old years, so how is the resolution to this. Excercise. Oke fine, the only sports that i'm willing to do is playing water, wekekeke :3

3. To stop being consumtive, yes. Harus lebih hemat because now i'm "anak merantauuuu" hahaha lebay. but i have to figure out what is the source of the problem first ckckckck

4. being a muslimah seutuhnya, menjadi anak yang soleha dan lain lain, lebih mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan. *amin* *oh man,i still make sins sins sins *

5. 5 languages please, i want to be able to speak in 5 languages, that would be so cool when you meet a foreigner and then you can be able to speak their languages, makes you happy, and the person your talking to is happy right? and I'm willing to join business with foreigners :D

6. i don't want a boyfriend anymore, hahaha. saya mencari calon suami (bukannya bearti saya mau nikah cepet2 yee) cuman saya tidak tertarik dan memang tidak pernah tertarik dengan hubungan2 sementara itu. so i'm willing to commit a long lasting relationship with a guy that is nice and loves his mom and surely make me his last :D we are turning into grown ups. hahaaha

7. Last but not least, to be a happy person. I want to decrease my emotional, moody attitude in myself. I want to be " a happy-go lucky type ". I want to stop being worried about grades, life and everything. Become a better and a useful person, is the best thing to make us happy (: !

Semoga tahun ini menjadi tahun yang lebih baik untuk kita semua. Amien . 0:)

dan lagi lagi saya kembali curhat.
cupcup muaaaah :*


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