
Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Selamat Hari Mami :)

Selamat Hari Ibu :)
Diperingati setiap 22 Desember di Indonesia melalui dekrit Presiden no. 316/1959, sedangkan di 75 negara lainnya merayakan " Mother's Day " di minggu pekan kedua bulan Mei.

Maafkan putri mu yang sungguh menyebalkan, keras kepala, suka gak mau nurut, dan sebagainya yang buruk-buruk yang mungkin pernah menyakiti hati mom :(

You are the best Mom ever.
There is no other woman in this world that can replace you, Mom.

Mommy is the coolest mom.
She is the only mom that i can ask out watching live music.
She is the only mom that askes me when i get home via twitter. LOL
She is the mom that i could go travelling abroad just the both of us.
She is the mom that knows my favorite things :)

Mommy knows everything about me.
She is the only mom that supports me.
She is the only mom that can guess how i feel.
She is the only mom, that will come down in my room just to ask how was my day.
She is the only mom that can guess how i feel.
When i'm sad, when i'm angry, when i'm happy and even when i'm in love.

Mommy helps me in everything.
She is the only mom that worries when i get sick.
She is the only mom that wants me to study all time, but then wants me to hangout too with balance.
She is the only mom that would help me out when i face problems because she is more experience in everything..
She teached me alot of subjects, life, love and everything :)

and she's everything to me, i really miss you mom. i love you. i heart you. aku padamuu :*

a couple of years ago ..

mom : when i get old who will take care of me?
a child : me . you, dad, my husband and with my two kids and we will happily ever after.. :)
dad : you promise?
a child : i pinky promise because a promise is a promise you know.

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