
Selasa, 23 November 2010

hey it's random- virus like

sebenarnya rencana saya sekarang yang sedang duduk di depan laptop dikamar ini bukan buat update blog, buka facebook, browsing, download lagu, dll tapi buat mengerjakan slide, tapi kalian pasti bisa memahami godaan syetan2 online yang membuat saya jadi malah online dan update blog, buka facebook, browsing, dowload lagu, dll. LOL
setelah beberapa minggu saya tidak mengupdate blog tercintaaa cupcupmuah saya ini, saya tiba-tiba ingin menulis, walaupun saya teramat sangat menyadari pada ujungnya tulisan-tulisan ini random dan ga penting untuk dibaca oleh masyarakat umum.

virus like, what's with this virus?
you guys are simply making me ROTFL seeing everytime when i open my facebook, and seeing 60 notifications, and it will just be like this .

" Akhsanul Akhyar, Jaka Pratama, Dinda Dwinasari, Rina Apriani Chen likes your status"
" Akhsanul Akhyar, Jaka Pratama, Dinda Dwinasari, Rina Apriani Chen likes your wallpost"
" Akhsanul Akhyar, Jaka Pratama, Dinda Dwinasari, Rina Apriani Chen likes your comment "hahahahha :3"

and there will be around 30-60 notifcations that will be all of those likes.
It wasn't me who started, ask akhyar lah! He gave me the inspiration in bomming your notifactions when i was in Jakarta a few days ago.

I actually did it at night, just because i missed you all :* #sosweet isnt it.
but i think that "virus" is currently spreading, and everyone is starting to bom notifications to one and another, actually it's kinda of weird, but because i do it my self it's becomes unyuuk :3

and welcome for those who got notifaction boms from us, :*

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